Monday, April 4, 2011

Why I Pray....

Gentlemen, I’ve lived a good life… had my share of ups and downs… good days, and bad ones.. I’ve shed a tear or two over my life… However, I live today with no regrets, no shame and I harbor no ill will towards anyone

Why….. Because I pray.  My grandmother told me years ago that the prayers of the righteous availeth much…. As a consequence, I seek Gods favor in everything I do and every decision I make.. I’m not perfect, but I strive for excellence... I seek approval from a merciful God.

I’ve learned to forgive those who’ve transgressed against me and forgive myself for the transgressions against others and sought forgiveness from those I've transgressed against.. As a man I have no issue conceding when I’m wrong or yielding to a higher authority.. I don’t compromise my integrity nor do I allow myself to get into a position where my integrity becomes suspect.

At Thirty years of age, I gave my life to God. I began a walk with God that has been fruitful, and at times presented me with some of the challenges of my life

I’ve learned that through thick and thin… to say Hallelujah anyway!!! I’ve learned that if you ask God for strength… He will take you through some things to exercise your faith and make you spiritually stronger..  If you ask God for wisdom, he’ll provide you with avenues and life experiences to make you wiser….  If you ask for a walk with him that you can feel, that he will touch your soul.. hold your hand.. and make it so real for you that nothing will compare.

There are so many superficial Christians in the world… people who say they believe in God, but have no fruit in their life to demonstrate they’re on a walk… They will cuss you out in a minute without realizing that every word from their mouth must be pleasing to God…

I’m no super righteous holy roller…I'm not saved, sanctified, and on my way to heaven in a rocket ship.... I certainly am not perfect… I have people who love me as well as those who curse the ground that I walk on… I do, however,  allow my life to be the example…

Why do I pray… because I know no other way…  I pray because God has shown me things about my life… I pray because God has saved me from some situations and trifling people who were out to do me wrong… I pray because the blood that was shed 2000 or so years ago redeemed me in Gods eye

I seek Gods favor in everything that I do… Every thought in my mind, Every word from my mouth, Every word typed I ask for God to intervene so that my words, thoughts and actions are pleasing to him

A year ago, someone told me I have a juvenile soul… untainted by the world or the hurt of my past…. I’m grateful for what God has done for me.. I’m grateful for what God is to me..  I’ve been blessed with health, financial security, and material possessions…  My prayer life is tribute to a God that continues to bless me, even though I’m not worthy…. My prayer is my conversation with God... My prayer keeps me on the righteous path of the few....

I pray because… I know no other way..

After the prayer... I meditate to hear what God has to say!!

Editor - DNYC

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