This blog is Committed to the concept that Chivalry is not dead. Gentlemen can elevate the standard in not just the way we dress but in our attitudes towards health, personal care, and the way we behave towards women

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
03.01.2011 – It Begins
Gentlemen, I hope the last 30days or so as we ramped up for this Return of the Gentlemen has been enlightening. Today is day one! Allow me to hit on a few things real quickly so that you’ll have something to take away as knowledge
FASHION: We could care less about how you dress. You’ve all heard of lipstick on a pig… The same holds true here. Yes you can dress up, clean up, and look good. But the cars on the used car lots look good, under the hood may lie a different story. YES… WE WILL PROMOTE STYLE, FASHION ETC… because the clothing does make the man… We will also work on the man… Michael Jackson start the change begins with the Man in the Mirror… Start with him and you’ll be good
ETIQUETTE: The lost art of chivalry, manners and etiquette must be brought into our mind as we move forward. A little bit of effort can go a long way. The daily concern about putting that woman first and considering her in all things must become part of your daily bucket list. There is no reason to be rude, crass, or vulgar in the presence of a lady. There is no reason you cannot say please and thank you even if you’re at the drive through at Burger King… What that woman is watching for is how you treat other people… yeah you can be sweet to her.. but if you’re an evil SOB towards everyone else.. eventually you’ll be like that towards her. The third pillar of etiquette is understanding how to do and when to do.. napkins in the top of your shirt is déclassé .. not knowing which is the salad fork and the dinner fork gets you an epic fail. You may not always eat Four Star dining, but your conduct even at Chili’s should be the same
MENTAL/SPIRITUAL: We are seeking the growth of the man. Being a well rounded Gentleman means stepping out of some traditional paradigms. Read a self help book, seek counseling, fix what is wrong with you before you approach a lady.. We all have childhood abandonment trauma or relationship drama… Work at resolving those issues before stepping out into the world. On the spiritual level, find a connection with God, Allah, Yahweh… or whomever the divine inspiration is to your faith.. Get on a path towards righteousness and walk that path daily.. Don’t make excuses for your sin.. Own what you do and what you say.. Treat everyone with the same respect you’d treat your mother.
GROOMING: A finished man should be well groomed.. The beard/goatee should be trimmed, a quality cologne, the hair line should be tightened up…. Etc…. Good grooming from oral care (brush, floss, rinse… repeat) to personal skin care should be considered in all things. There is nothing wrong with men having a spa day.. the stresses of a man are exponentially heavier than the stresses put on our female counterparts.. We must be ready to compete and win daily… so get a massage, get a manicure….. polish your overall look
HEALTH: I love popeyes fried chicken and soul food like the next man.. but it’s not healthy.. Lets begin making healthy food choices… I’ve removed a lot of saturated fat from my diet and for the most part eat white meat and fish. Beef I’m pretty much down to once a month.. I’ve gotten rid of white rice.. white sugar… white flour… in lieu of brown rice, natural sugar, and multi-grain baked products and flours… THERE IS LITTLE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WHOLE WHEAT AND WHITE WHEAT… If you have a choice, choose multi-grain based products.. Exercise also becomes critical. We need to live for the women in our lives.. this means regular exercise 30-45min 4 times a week.. Get off the couch.. turn off sports center and move… Gentlemen also work on your cardio daily… your stamina will improve sexually, and your woman will be very happy that you did… Remember the penis needs blood and oxygen… the best way to improve blood flow, and oxygen to the penis is through cardio….
SEX: We’ve all done it.. and all will.. Men are somewhat unique in that we can have sex without emotion. We don’t fall in love based on the sex. Fact is for survival of the species and to progenerate of our family names sex becomes a means to an end. Fact is a woman can only get pregnant once every nine months… Men can impregnate every 36hrs… Thus we’ve been designed to have sex without emotion…. HOWEVER, as we become mature sophisticated men, we cannot continue to think with our penis. For us to have full healthy relationships we must desire more than a one night stand… There’s been a lot of talk on facebook about the jump off, booty buddy, side chick etc…. As men, we’ve all either had that situation or have it now.. We must understand that our sexual health as well as the health of the womb we come from must be honored and respected.. We must be aware of all the sexual techniques on how to keep our women satisfied… We must also be aware of the methods to prevent disease and pregnancy… Going raw is not an option with a woman who’s not your wife…
FINANCIAL: GENTLEMEN, lets be responsible with our financial resources, if you cannot afford to date then don’t date…. The luxury car parked at an apartment is lack of priorities.. The throwing money up in a strip club is a lack of knowledge… Be responsible in your debts, ensuring you’re paying on time.. Discern that woman that will go through your credit card like paper… be a good steward of what you’re blessed with.. Prepare yourself financially to have a wife, kids, a home… so that when it happens you’re not struggling trying to figure out how to pay for it all.
So, this is day one of the Year of the Gentleman, Return of the Gentleman.. Lets move forward to make positive impacts on the women that we encounter, date, are engaged to or are married to.. Lets give them a reason to love respect and trust us… Scripturally, lets submit ourselves one to another Eph 5:21 .. Lets be leaders in our homes and in our communities…
My final note.. lets cease the open hostility, mistrust and anger towards our women. The statement “all women do this or that” and “all women are gold diggers” should not spew from your lips from this day forward… make good choices in the women you bring into your life… and don’t enter a woman’s life to make a mess of her life… Be a Gentleman in all things you do.. and watch how the women respond.
Editor - DNYC
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