Gentlemen, Today I want to speak to you about both who you are and what you exemplify.
The above 5 shields are those of Historically Black Fraternities. Those Fraternal organizations have prepared many a young man for leadership, scholarship and have many successful and famous alumni.
Each of these five have unique types of Gentlemen that they attract, and initiate into the respective organizations. All of which have national organizations, undergrad chapters and alumni chapters. The brotherhoods formed in these five organizations are lifetime bonds. Even when life kicks in and raising family or career pressures become priorities in life… That bond is ever present.
The uniqueness, reputation and Character of the men initiated in these five organizations are as unique as the organization themselves.
In the movie “Stomp the Yard” the statement was made… The colors don’t make you… you make the colors… So, with that… what do you exemplify???
I will speak for my own Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Incorporated... Our slogan is “Achievement in Every Field of Human Endeavor”… I’ve known brothers who have been doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, and engineers. And the list goes on. My own career took a path in the late 1980’s in Information Technology and I wasn’t exposed to a lot of brothers in my career stream, who could provide mentorship or guidance in how to navigate the corporate waters…
My First Alumni Chapter had a lot of older brothers… in their late 40’s 50’s & 60's … Most of who were in my parent’s home church… So my understanding of Fraternity and what it meant was formed from the guidance of the old guard of that alumni chapter.. Shouts to Deacon Brother Garvin!!!
I never bought into the stereotype of my frat although I know a lot of brothers do… Still, what I’ve come to exemplify over the span of my life are virtues that fraternity life taught me… and my parents… and life experience.
Those virtues I hold today are of high moral character, fidelity, brotherhood, and a sense that a man is more that himself… He is in fact the sum of his life experience parts.
As I move through life. . People who know me know that I’m humble and loyal… and will give you the shirt off my back. I will give out of kindness an expect nothing less than excellence (notice I didn’t say perfection)… but striving for excellence in everything you do. I don’t make excuses or have regrets for the decisions I make and take personal responsibility for the words that I speak and the actions I take.
I try diligently to improve myself through secular therapy, self-help books, spiritual guidance, and yes brotherhood. I care for the whole man that is me.. I spend time in the spa and the gym working on the temple… I spend time on my knees communing with God… and I spend time with my nose in a book seeking knowledge and wisdom.
It’s that pursuit for excellence and achievement that I personally strive for... I also seek people of like mind to do the same… The irony is that not all those who share those values come from my fraternity… Some of the most respected people I know are Alpha's, Que’s and Sigma’s (sorry I don’t know any Iotas)…. Some of those same men embody the same values that I hold near and dear.
So Gentlemen… While I understand that all of you are not members of any of the above Greek Organizations… what values do you exemplify…
Virtuous men come in all walks of life and every socio economic background. In the end, be that man… Be a Gentleman… Seek positive virtues and virtuous men to associate with, mentor to and commune with…
As G-Money said to Nino Brown in New Jack City “I am my brothers keeper”.
God Bless,
Editor -DNYC
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