Friday, February 11, 2011

Financial Responsibility

Good Day Gentlemen, Today duty called and I had to work most of the day so I’m a bit late in bringing you my latest thoughts, so lets get into it

She’s burning up your credit card. She wants to go out every weekend and it’s killing your pocket. Yeah you want to impress her with the finer things that you can afford but this money doesn’t grow on trees..

Make it rain… make it rain…. I’d accept a little hail…  You can blame it on her all you want, but you made the choice.  Dating in 2011 is expensive and whether you choose to residential date or paint the town red. You’re going to end up spending a few dollars. Don’t blame it on her though!!!

When discussing financial responsibility with men it’s difficult to tell men what to do with their money, because at the end of the day… money = power = respect. So, for men… being told how to spend their money becomes somewhat of a problem… I will not do that here

Instead, I will discuss prioritizing your financial responsibilities so that you make good judgment calls when it comes time to spend.

Pay your rent or mortgage… woowing her is important, but not more important than housing
Purchase food, Have enough nutritionally balanced meals in your home… Ramen Pride noodles      doesn’t count!!! The sodium will kill you
Have enough to pay your car payment, insurance, and gas  set aside
Keep your utilities up to date… payment schedules for monthly recurring bills will dig a hole for you faster then you think
Invest and tithe… Retirement will hit you faster then you think.. to have retirement savings and Gods blessing on your life will be worth it!!
Be responsible with credit card usage as well as make payments on time.. A bad credit score will hurt you for at least 7yrs… DO NOT LET ANYTHING GO 30DAYS PAST DUE….. Employers are now taking credit reports as part of your employment process

After that… your discretionary income can be used for movies, dinner, vacation’s  and whatever else you choose to spend it on… As this relates to the woman in your life… Be honest with her on what your REAL economics are.

Atlanta is well known for having $30,000/year millionaires. Dudes spending all their paycheck in the club then eating Ramen pride or sponging off their parents for the rest of the month

This final point is even more critical… Gentlemen.. whatever you do, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ASK YOUR WOMAN FOR MONEY TO HELP YOU OUT.. Real men hustle and grind to make sure they have enough financial resources…. If you’re not making your ends meet, find another job… or reduce the luxuries that you really don’t need. Also, at the end of the year, review your contractual agreements.. Most phone companies, cable/satellite providers and credit card companies offer payment reductions or  promotional deals which could reduce your overall cost for a short time..

Bottom line, Gentlemen should be prepared to handle whatever financial situation, and if your money is tight… perhaps dating is not something you should be considering at the moment.

Editor – DNYC


  1. Shoot, I want a man to be financially secure, ie, don't spend all of his money on "superficials" I am so okay with hanging out at home watching a movie and dinner at home. I believe in the end, a woman should appreciate being secure in the end expecially if this man is going to be my life partner.

  2. I think the overall issue is that most people, male and female, have no money management system. They spend because they have and confuse necessities with luxuries. Nobody NEEDs to have cable, nobody NEEDs to make car payments, nobody NEEDs to have credit cards.
