Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Some Black People Aren't Worthy of the Skin They're In - By Lydia Cotton

While I am all for great entertainment, I can’t help but wonder when will I see a balance demonstrated on reality television in regards to black women? I’m sure I am asking too much when I sit on my couch and watch Basketball Wives considering that these women total claim to fame is spreading their legs until they hit the million dollar jackpot with a ring and baby in tow. My bad for wanting women who look like me to actually behave with a tiny dash of class when cameras are rolling and they are out representing a minority to the country and abroad.

I often question when this need for complete humiliation became imperative to appease the general public. I’m pretty sure that at one point is was completely acceptable and profitable to see black women and their families depicted in the highest regard in media or else Bill Cosby wouldn’t be one of the most successful and respected moguls in Hollywood yet this is what is favored present day. Do we really hate ourselves that much?

Unfortunately for the rest of us there are plenty of willing participants out there to perpetuate each and every last negative stereotype that has ever been joked about where black women are concerned leaving us not only with the reality of having to be ten times better than our non-black peers but fighting to make sure we are the complete opposite of BBW and various others at all times.

On another note, while I am sure individually these ladies are not as bad as they project, I find it irritating that Shaunie makes it a point to sit back and watch the drama that she set up unfold as if she is merely an innocent bystander. Chick please. Note to all of those who are in favor of the ex O’Neal, while her pockets are being stacked by the devil himself, let us all be aware that business savvy or not, success isn’t something that should only be measured by your tax bracket. As a person who has the public’s ear you have a responsibility to your community to be positive and leave a trail of substance where those after you would be proud to pick up and continue but I guess they stopped making those type of black people a couple of generations ago and all we are left with are those who are about their ‘paper’ no matter how many of their ancestors they have to spit on to get it. 

Written by Lydia Cotton (posted courtesy of Lydia Cotton)  

Editorial Note: Black women, YOU are responsible in part for the success of this show and others like it... The only way this changes is if you stop watching it.. The stereotypes being perpetuated on Basketball Wives, Real Housewives...etc only serve to project an image of you that perhaps you don't want or like.... The net result is people on the street, in the mall and the like looking at you the same way... Its guilt by association and that's the real harm Basketball Wives, Real Housewives, Single Ladies... etc pose to you... 

Editor - DNYC

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