Thursday, March 10, 2011

Culinary Skills

Gentlemen, today I’ll keep it short and simple…. If you can’t cook… LEARN!!!

Meal preparation takes only a little time and you can come off as superman if you learn some simple cooking techniques. No one is saying you need to be a chef at Le Cordon Bleu… But your idea of a meal for yourself shouldn’t be Burger King….

Too many men say “I need a woman that can cook”… well… Can you cook??? It’s hard to ask for something, or demand something when you do not have that skill…. Sort of  like asking for Tyra Banks when you look like jabba the hut!!! Doesn’t compute!!

On the food network, a married couple the NEELY’S have a cooking show, They are as country as all day… but they absolutely enjoy each other’s company. WHY… BECAUSE THEY COOK TOGETHER!!!! That love comes through in their cooking!!!

Fact is the best quality time you’ll have with your mate is assisting her in some of the domestic chores… AND COOKING… nothing is more sexy then helping your mate prepare the meals, or preparing the meals for your mate. Nothing builds closeness in the same way that cooking does..  But please Gentlemen, don’t sit on the couch demanding your woman make you something to eat… then complain that she doesn’t spend time with you???  If she’s spending her time taking care of the house, cooking, cleaning, laundry… logic would say she doesn’t have time for you because she’s busy!!!! However, if you help her…. What excuse can she have..

If you wanted a maid.. hire a maid…. If you wanted to have the treatment that your mother gave you… move home!!! (your pops might not like that… b/c she’s his wife.. go find your own)… and if you wanted a cook.. then hire a cook…

The point is your mate is not your maid, housekeeper, cook or Mother..  But if you cook with her, clean with her, etc.. you will have a closer relationship because you’re exercising your “love is an action muscle”

In the end.. Every man should have one GOOD beef meal, chicken meal, pork meal, and fish meal.. if you add a decent soup meal to that .. that’s five days worth of eating. Gentlemen, and ladies who read this….. you shouldn’t be learning how to cook for your potential mate… you should be learning how to cook to feed yourself!!!

In the end gentlemen, learning to cook, having that skill is not for her… its for you!! Oh and By the way… SALT IS NOT A SEASONING!!!...

Personally I enjoy food with texture, flavor, and richness…  I enjoy cooking and over my life I’ve learned to prepare various meals… While my Grandmother could cook a mean meal… My grandfather was the chef….

Gentlemen, even if the woman you’re interested in cannot cook… she can learn something from you…. And you might just learn something from her…

But then again… how would you know if you don’t spend time together…

Just something to think about Gentlemen..

Editor - DNYC

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