This blog is Committed to the concept that Chivalry is not dead. Gentlemen can elevate the standard in not just the way we dress but in our attitudes towards health, personal care, and the way we behave towards women

Sunday, February 6, 2011
Do you REALLY care about her??
Good Sunday morning Gentlemen. I write todays entry not to cast any value judgment or to impose my morality. I simply wish to state a few things that perhaps the religious community doesn’t address lucidly.
We’ve all been beat over the head at some point in our lives with church doctrine against pre-marital sex. Whether that doctrine is scripturally sound or not is not the issue. Nor is the issue that you’re denying yourself of your God given passion to satisfy the flesh… I want to approach this from perhaps a logically different avenue. If nothing else to get you to think about your actions as you traverse the relationship landscape.
Adam called Eve “flesh of my flesh… blood of my blood”. Thus taking on the responsibility of Eve and understanding that his role was to protect her… From the world and from himself. (LOGIC: why would he harm someone who he saw as flesh of his flesh, blood of his blood.).
Contrary to what society tells us, Marriage doesn’t begin with the public profession, wedding, or vows… Marriage begins with consummation!!!! In ancient times this was called a blood covenant. The virginal (PURE) woman’s hymen was broken during the married couples wedding night… Failure to see blood on the sheets would result in her being sent home and the marriage being nullified
So, if we understand that logically, there is a blood covenant.. We must also understand that God sees that union as ONE body in his sight. Secondly, during copulation there is a soul tie. You are bonded to that person eternally. Even under current societal norms this plays out in popular culture whereby if someone passed HIV or any other STD to you, it could impact your life for the rest of your life.
Logic would dictate that if there’s a soul tie, a blood tie, and God sees you as one body in his sight.. Every sexual encounter in God’s eyes is “marriage”… This is also the exact reason homosexual marriage isn’t recognized. How can one create the aforementioned ties??? logic would say you can't and neither by the state, the church, and more importantly GOD!!! (toys and self pleasure also fall in that category.... think about it????)
The point in all of this, If you really care about her, and you don’t see her as someone that you socially or casually date to kill time. Then understanding as a man you have a responsibility that is greater than you may want to believe or assume. By extension, the pressures of an intimate relationship creates complications that we may not be prepared for. We seem to focus on the sexual intimacy, and not the relationship building. We get trapped into believing that because the sex is good we can will other aspects of the relationship to work… WE ALL KNOW THAT’S NOT TRUE
We each must decide if moving from a intensely romantic to a sexually intimate relationship is what’s right for our particular situation. As I said to start I make no judgment on what you do as men. However, ask yourself… Do I really care about her.. Do I respect that she wants to remain pure until marriage. Can I deny my own sexual desires to wait for her..
If you care, these questions become null… Only you can decide if she’s that important… Only you can decide if you really care about her.
Editor - DNYC
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I agree with you 100% especially the, "We get trapped into believing that because the sex is good we can will other aspects of the relationship to work… WE ALL KNOW THAT’S NOT TRUE." As I mature I am realizing the importance of that decision of having sex with someone is. It's a physical act, but psychologically effects us.