This blog is Committed to the concept that Chivalry is not dead. Gentlemen can elevate the standard in not just the way we dress but in our attitudes towards health, personal care, and the way we behave towards women

Thursday, February 10, 2011
T.E.A.M – Together Each Achieves More!!!
Gentlemen, who’s on your team… your squad… your clic!!!
Lets talk for a moment about the difference between selfishness and selflessness. We all have agendas that we pursue when we begin dating or are involved in relationships. For some of us the agenda is purely physical.. For others the spiritual cohesion… while for others it’s a mental synergy. Whatever the case, look yourself in the mirror and come to terms with what your agenda is...
Whatever you agenda is when you step out the door, lets be clear about a few things.. If your choice is to be in a relationship, understand there are two paths to take... the one of the selfish, and the one of the selfless
You can always chase a path that selfish and vapid. However, in the end you’ll be sitting at home wondering why no one wants to spend time with you or why your relationships seem to fail. Not just those with women, but with people at large.
Selfish people believe that the world revolves around them. They make no time for or take no consideration for others. You see it every day on the highway’s and bi-ways. People driving with cellphone surgically attached to ear, moving between lanes with no regard to the other traffic. They use no turn signal nor do they look to see if any traffic is there. Or you have those who sit in the left lane holding up everyone behind them. They’re not moving b/c the road belongs to them.
Selfish relationships are the same. We call those people takers!!! You give and give and give and give… yet the world seems to revolve around them. There is nothing you can do that’s right enough or perfect enough... Everything that goes wrong is your fault... They generally take no responsibility for the relationship or for you. Selfish people have a way of sucking the life energy out of you. The self destructive patterns of selfish people destroy the very thing that they seek… Someone to love and care for them without requiring anything… Selfish people are leeches!!!
Selfless people on the other hand give without expectation. They have a sense of unyielding sacrifice. They’d give you the shirt on their back and everything they do is about giving. In relationship, two selfless people can have a long relationship because it’s not about “I LOVE YOU”… its about “I LOVE US”… Everything that transpires in that relationship is for the enrichment, growth and development of that relationship. The individual persons agenda is met because their mate has the desire to make their wishes and dreams come true… Selflessness = Reciprocation = REAL LOVE.
The point gentlemen, is to build a TEAM.. and adopt the team concept in your home. You all watch enough sports to know what a good team vs a bad one. In the T.E.A.M. concept everyone wins. You will reciprocate everything your mate does. You will support her dreams and vision for her life. Your selfless acts will build a relationship that endures the test of time…
Remember gentlemen…. T.E.A.M – Together Each Achieves More... Don't expect her to be 100% behind your goals or vision, if when she steps into the world you're not behind hers!!!!
So ask yourself the question… Is that woman on your team, or are you on opposing teams with opposing interest.. If that is the case.. let her go about her business. You have no reason to be in her life… or her in yours…
Something to think about
Editor – DNYC
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