This blog is Committed to the concept that Chivalry is not dead. Gentlemen can elevate the standard in not just the way we dress but in our attitudes towards health, personal care, and the way we behave towards women

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Good day Gentlemen. Today I’d like to discuss what we lead with when we approach women. It’s no secret that women seek security…. Physical, Emotional, and Financial security. Believe what you wish, at the end of the day there is plenty of empirical anthropological evidence to support this fact.
During the stone age, women sought the stronger man to provide physical security and economic security. By this I mean before there was currency there was trade/barter.. The man who could bring home the meat was valued.
During ancient times , the man with financial wealth (land, cattle ect… ) was valued over the pauper. Women were in arranged marriages with wealthier men
Medieval timed proved no different, women sought men who could hunt/gather as well as go to battle to prove their manhood… Much of chivalry is based on medieval code of conduct.
Today it’s no different, Cash Rules Everything Around Me.. (C.R.E.A.M)…. Men may not directly compete against each other in a way that women do, but they definitely compete. The cars, houses, money and all of the other accouterments life has to offer... Men seek, work for and earn material things to attract women.. Financial strength has inherent power to attract desirable women. Men also spend tremendous amounts of time in the Gym when they’re dating to demonstrate that physical security that women seek.. Emotionally & Spiritually today we fail at providing a safe and healthy environment for women… However, if a woman trust you and feels safe with you, you’ve won most of the battle. So what do you lead with???
Men carp way too often about women being gold diggers… But what did you lead with?? Do you have photo’s with your business suit on Facebook? Do you have photo’s of your home or car?? Do you have your trips to exotic locations on Facebook?? Whether you realize it or not, you’re leading with your financial power/strength.. How then can you complain about a woman being a gold digger when YOU led with your gold??? How about your physical strength/power… how many pictures of you w/ your shirt off do you have posted?? Please recognize that you’re leading with your physical strength..
What about your thoughts, do you make comments about what you think about emotional or intellectual issues? Do you spend time trying to elucidate your thoughts on relationship, health, spiritual, mental or emotional matters? Believe it or not you’re leading with your intellect that some women may find very attractive.
Be not mistaken women do the same. Women lead with their sexuality in an attempt to win the attention of a man. Some women even blur the lines between sexuality and sensuality… Believe me there is a big difference between what is sexy and what is sensual.
Gentlemen, the point is what we lead with is what attracts the opposite sex to us. I for one do have pictures of my home, and car and even promote my business on Facebook. Not to brag or boast, but because God has blessed me abundantly and I’m not ashamed of the God that I serve. However, I also am fully cognizant of the FACT that some women may see the “bug light” and be attracted to that. It’s a bit déclassé as a man to have half nude pictures of yourself on Facebook unless you’re a semi-pro or professional body builder. I have none!! Enough said. I also pontificate on and espouse my thoughts on matters of the heart, my faith walk with God and my intellectual thoughts on politics and a range of issues… I’m cognizant of what that may attract as well.
What we lead with IS what we attract. Please gentlemen, stop using pejorative terms such as gold digger to describe women when YOU are attracting those women by what YOU lead with. If all you’re about is what you materially possess, don’t get angry with women who seek financial security. Consequently if you’re leading with your body the same holds true. On matters of the heart and your intellect, those things will attract a very different type of woman… But please understand what you are leading with..
On the darker side, if you jump out on Facebook with you’re issue, drama, or brokenness… Realize that is what women will see some may be attracted to that and feel their maternal instinct can help you through it…. Others will reject it whole heartedly believing you have way too much baggage.
Be aware Gentlemen of what you lead with. What you project is what the women are watching and the ladies are paying attention to.
Editor - DNYC
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